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Challenges and plans: Promoting adult learning and education for everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Both organisations, ALDI and CEI Nahla would like to/ are developing a strategy to promote ALE in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently, there is no long-term policy that includes non-formal providers in public funding schemes. NGOs can achieve some form of co-financing through international donors in some cases, in addition to collecting participation fees. 

The unstable funding and selective interest of international donors make it difficult to plan the education offered to the general public. Donors appear to be more likely to fund the participation of specific, vulnerable groups. 

ALDI would like to develop a strategy to ensure financial sustainability and strengthen its competitiveness in the adult education field. 

Impact of Covid-19

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, Covid-19 led to ALE providers downsizing to smaller or fewer premises. Thereby, the cost of learning provisions has increased due to necessary investments in the technological environment. 

Current and future plans

Per the fourth goal of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, which dictates the necessity of promoting lifelong learning for everyone, CEI Nahla is committed to expanding its activities in the country and abroad. Summarised in the following points:

  • Increase the number of online programs to make them available to larger target groups and continue adapting existing programs to an online format
  • Map trends in e-learning
  • Create a plan for further digitalisation of the programs
  • Do pilot programs to test and develop digital learning 
  • Identify programs that could be presented/implemented in local communities
  • Include activities with the local community in project proposals
  • Continue working with marginalised groups

In 2022, ALDI has been networking with German adult education providers to exchange experiences and support transformative learning. The continued promotion of adult education, to ensure greater involvement of learners in adult education programs, will continue to be the focus of ALDI. 

CEI Nahla is planning to make a big effort to increase the representation of programs in the field of health care, healthy lifestyles and life skills. 

According to EAEA members, the BiH government should provide greater support to ALE and develop a sustainable, long-term ALE strategy in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which includes funding for non-formal education providers. They should be more closely aligned with the European frameworks and international recommendations for ALE.